
Proposal Practitioners complete and present a significant research proposal, such as those completed for upper-level undergrad courses or at the graduate level.

Position Requirements

The Student Research Team (SRT) will provide members with a generalized research skill set that is applicable to any discipline. As a member gains an increased aptitude for research, there will be opportunities for apprentices to move into positions of practice and mentorship. The SRT is the largest multi-disciplinary student research group on campus and allows for enhanced social, scholarly, and research connections.

Proposal Practitioners must demonstrate the following:

  • The use of editing/feedback mechanisms, such as attaining peer review
  • Using the Writing Center, or attending a peer editing session
  • A written proposal
  • Presentation of the proposal to an audience

Sign-up Directions

Proposal Practitioners must complete a minimum of 15 hours of participation. If the proposal reaches the stage of presentation, then the minimum time expectation is met. Activities may be covered in-class or in-addition to class requirements. A Proposal Presentation event will be organized by the Student Research Team Coordinator during both the Fall and Spring semesters to ensure this requirement can be met.

In addition, there will be one social event per semester organized by the Coordinator to provide for greater cross-campus and interdisciplinary connections between team members. A couple of faculty researchers will present ‘TED Talk’ style presentations.

Kendra Stiwich, VIU’s Student Research Engagement Coordinator is the Student Research Team Coordinator.

Interested students need to contact Kendra for more information or to sign up. Each student team member will be part of a database designed to track students’ progress and activities.