It is important to apply for services THREE MONTHS before classes start.

Grant funds may be available to provide you with the paid support of a note taker or professional tutor if your documentation clearly identifies the types of supports you will need to attend class.

If you are working online please send us the signed Consent Form by fax or email.

Do you qualify for a Note taker or Tutor?

Depending on your situation, either a PD Programs Application or APSD form will need to be completed before a support worker can be hired.

1. Have you been approved for a Student Loan or a Part Time Student Grant?

If yes, then complete the PD Programs Application for your support services.

2. Are you registered in Adult Basic Education, ESL, or ASE courses?

If yes, then complete the APSD form for your support services.

3. Bring these completed forms to Accessibility Services drop in or appointment times to apply for your services:

  1. Proof of eligibility for student loan or part time student grant
  2. PD Programs Application or APSD application
  3. Copy of your Semester course schedule

When the appropriate forms are complete, a Accessibility Services Specialist will assist you to access the funding for your support service.

Paying your Service Workers

CSG - Steps for Paying Service Workers

If you are eligible for Canada Student Grant (CSG) (students who are on student loan or part-time studies grant):

Meet with Access Specialist to arrange services.

  • We will submit an estimate for your service costs (e.g. note takers and tutors) to the Ministry on your behalf.
  • When the cheque arrives, you will be notified.
  • Pick up your cheque; deposit or cash it.
  • Pay your service workers.
  • Have your service workers complete and sign the Ministry receipt form.
  • Enter your name and contact information on the receipt forms.
  • Mail completed receipts and any unused funds to the Minister of Finance (address on the receipt form).
  • If you are returning funds, you must send a certified cheque or money order.
  • A reminder: You must submit receipts to the Ministry to demonstrate how the funds were used. Any unused funds must be returned to the Minister of Finance. Failure to do so will result in no further grant funding.

APSD, VIU - Steps for Paying Service Workers

If your services are funded through APSD (ABE courses) or VIU:

Meet with Access Specialist to arrange services.

  • We will submit an estimate for your service costs (e.g. note takers and tutors) on your behalf.
  • When the cheque arrives, you will be notified.
  • Pick up your cheque; deposit or cash it.
  • Pay your service workers.
  • Have your service workers complete and sign the receipt form.
  • Enter your name on the receipt forms.
  • Bring all receipts and any unused funds to Accessibility Services.
  • A reminder: You must submit receipts to VIU to demonstrate how the funds were used. Any unused funds must be returned to VIU. Failure to do so will result in no further funding and may result in you being blocked from registering for courses at VIU.